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Spain: Farmers accuse local gov. of Castilla & Leon of harming competition

 |  November 13, 2017

The Trade Association of Cereals and Oilseeds of Spain (ACCOE) has denounced the local authorities of Castilla & León before the National competition regulator, the CNMC, for encouraging discrimination among farmers and harming free competition.

ACCOE’s complaint is related to the publication of Decree 34/2016, on September 22, regarding Priority Agri-Food Associative Entities and their priority partners in Castilla & León, as well as Order AYG / 632/2017, which are part of the Program of Rural Development for this province.

The association considers these provisions to be discriminatory against private enterprises, promoting unfair competition in favor of cooperatives.

The Association does not agree with the Ministry’s management, accusing it of using eye-catching headlines to promote its own initiatives, which they criticise as being little more than gifts or hand-outs. This, they claim, distorts the free market in this sector and will limit the farmers’ decision-making in the long run.

Full Content: Agro Información

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