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Spain: PAH attacks CNMC for “lies” on housing issues

 |  August 28, 2018

People affected by mortgage defaults, united as the association Platform for the Affected by the Mortgage (PAH) have attacked the National Commission of Markets and Competition (CNMC) over what they consider “lies” regarding the housing sector. Specifically, their outrage is over the study released by the regulator last week in which it came out in defense of tourist housing and platforms such as AirBnb. In its report the commission argues that there is no “empirical evidence” linking these platforms with the rise in rental prices.

According to this group, the commission’s report “ignores” that housing is a property to which everyone is entitled, according to the Constitution, which also “mandates public powers to combat speculation.” Companies such as the aforementioned AirBnB, as well as Cabify, Uber or Deliveroo, “only bring more deregulation, fiscal fraud and in the end a wilder capitalism that increases the impoverishment of the sectors that they touch …” PAH declared.

The PAH has insisted that the Government of Pedro Sánchez must take action on the matter and adopt “urgent measures and social transformation to guarantee the right to housing.”

Full Content: El Boletin

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