A PYMNTS Company

Spain: FENOSA challenges ‘unfair’ Madrid contract bid

 |  August 14, 2017

Spanish energy company Gas Natural Fenosa has filed an appeal against the contest held by the Madrid City Council to allocate their energy supply contracts for 2018, which award points to firms using renewable sources. Fenosa considers that their criteria for evaluation “Is not equal for all companies that opt ​​for this contest,” because it favors companies selling zero-emission energy.

The contract bid requires that all the energy supplied by the winning company be guaranteed to be of renewable origin, and grants an extra valuation of up to five points (out of a total of 100) to the participants according to their energy rating issued annually by the markets and competition regulator, the CNMC.

The resource considers it “appropriate” to demand that the energy consumed be 100% renewable, but its complaint lies in the rewarding of suppliers that generate less carbon dioxide, since ” this has as a single and obvious objective: to favor small trading companies to the detriment of the rest of the trading companies that have been in this sector for the longest time.”

Full story: El País

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