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Spain: CNMC reports possible crimes in Indra’s public contracts

 |  August 7, 2018

Spanish competition authority CNMC (National Commission for Markets and Competition) has informed the Central Operative Unit of the Civil Guard of possible serious crimes related to a cartel detected by the agency, in which the company Indra, along with 10 others, illegally manipulated the adjudication of public contracts between 2005 and 2015.

The CNMC has shown that Indra took part in the drafting of tender documents prepared by the Tax and Social Security Agency, allowing the company to raise prices and manipulate the contests, as well as having “knowledge of the future tender prior to its publication… “, the regulator said.

Official sources at the CNMC confirm that the entity “plans to transfer to the competent authorities” the existence of possible serious crimes detected during the investigation.

The CNMC file was closed, with fines totalling €30 million (approximately US$34.7 million) for the companies participating in the cartel. In addition to Indra (€13.5 million, equivalent to US$15.6 million) and SAG (€6million, equivalent to US$6.94 approximately) there are others such as the Connectis ICT group, which has a fine of € 1.8 million (US$2.1 million).

Full Content: El Diario

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