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Spain: CNMC orders Electric companies’ re-brand

 |  April 2, 2018

Spanish regulator the National Commission of Markets and Competition (CNMC) opened a “legally binding” procedure on the obligation of vertically integrated energy groups “not to create confusion for consumers in the information and presentation of their brand and image”.

The resolution could change the landscape of the electric market, forcing the distribution branches of large companies (Endesa, Iberdrola, Gas Natural Fenosa, EDP Spain and Viesgo) to change their current names (brands and image), in order to avoid confusion among retail customers.

The objective is to avoid situations where Distribution and Purchasing branches of the same business group create confusion in the information that they send to the consumer, appearing to be unrelated. The CNMC has opened a deadline for companies and consumers to present their allegations, which ends this week.

Full Content: El País

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