A PYMNTS Company

Spain: CNMC approves Coca-Cola’s BPW buyout in Nestea breakup

 |  November 27, 2017

Spain’s National Commission for Markets and Competition (CNMC) has cleared the first phase for the acquisition operation presented by The Coca-Cola Company for the exclusive rights to the Nestea brand’s distribution in Spain and Portugal, with the subsequent dissolution of current co-holder Beverage Partners Worldwide (BPW).

Nestea arrived in the Spanish market in 1993 through a joint venture between Nestle and Coca-Cola called Beverage Partners Worldwide (BPW).

Both multinationals announced last March their decision to dissolve BPW at the beginning of 2018, with Nestlé confirming their intention to grant Coca-Cola a franchise to develop and distribute Nestea in Spain and Portugal.

Full Content: La Vanguardia

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