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Competition Policy International full Logo

CPI is a leading platform that promotes antitrust debates via publications and live events worldwide. Every day CPI reaches out more than 20,000 readers in over 150 countries. Its readership encompasses enforcers, judges, lawyers, economists, in-house counsels, academics, and students in the US and around the world.

For more information about CPI, visit the website here.


The Brattle Group logo New York conference

The Brattle Group answers complex economic, regulatory, and financial questions for corporations, law firms, and governments around the world. We aim for the highest level of client service and quality in our industry. We are distinguished by our credibility and the clarity of our insights, which arise from the stature of our experts; affiliations with leading international academics and industry specialists; and thoughtful, timely, and transparent work. Our clients value our commitment to providing clear, independent results that withstand critical review.

Brattle has over 350 talented professionals across three continents. For additional information about Brattle’s experts and services, please visit here.

global economics group logo New York conference

Global Economics Group brings together world-class thought leaders, highly experienced experts who have presented before courts and regulatory bodies worldwide, ex industry executives with deep practical experience and a multi-disciplinary staff including econometricians and finance economists.

Our mission is to provide independent and rigorous economic analysis in complex legal, regulatory, and policy matters throughout the world. Our experts have worked on some of the most significant legal and regulatory matters of the last quarter century and have worked for many leading corporations and government agencies.

We serve clients across the country and around the globe from our offices in Chicago, New York and Boston and through a global network of affiliates. For more information about Global Economics Group, visit the website here.

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