A PYMNTS Company

Mexico: Telephone workers syndicate keeps up pressure against Telmex breakup

 |  August 19, 2019
The Union of Telephone Operators of Mexico will increase its efforts to avoid the functional breakup of Teléfonos de México(Telmex), looking for the company to keep the workforce under a single company. For this, the group of telephone industry workers announced a series of protest demonstrations nationwide.

“The Telephone Operators have initiated mobilizations throughout the country in defense of our labor rights… currently under threat by the resolution of the IFT…” said union leader Francisco Hernández Juárez.

September 30, 2019 will mark the deadline for the company to deliver its personnel migration, resource transfer and infrastructure plan to the new company that would arise after the separation, mandated by telecommunications regulator IFT.
Full Content: El Economista

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