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Mexico: Regulator probes collusion in highway maintenance sector

 |  April 8, 2019
Mexican competition authority, the Federal Economic Competition Commission (COFECE), announced the launch of an investigation into possible monopolistic practices in the service market for the renewal and maintenance of technologies used on highways within Mexican territory, including systems for toll collections, traffic collision alerts, and operational communications.

Mexico is ranked 7th place worldwide in terms of road connectivity, although in terms of quality it drops below the 40th place. The research will focus on this area, referring to the renewal and maintenance of the technology used in these highways.

If the existence of an absolute monopolistic practice is verified, the economic agents could be fined up to 10% of their income, while any individual persons who participated in the celebration and execution of an anti-competitive agreement could be prosecuted, with a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison.
Full Content: Proceso

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