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Mexico: COFECE recommends reforming transport regs in Monterrey

 |  September 11, 2018

Mexico’s Federal Commission of Economic Competition (COFECE) has issued a recommendation to the Congress of the State of Nuevo Leon and to mayors of the metropolitan area of ​​the city of Monterrey to modify the city’s traffic regulations because, according to the national authority, they currently impede or hinder free competition in the freight transport sector.

COFECE recommended carrying out the necessary reforms in order to eliminate distortions, which reduce incentives for the entry and expansion of competitors. A clear scheme to establish technical and safety requirements is also contemplated.

When analyzing the regulations, COFECE detected serious obstacles to competition, among which it mentions: subjectivity in the granting of permits, excessive and inflexible costs, restrictions on circulation, etc. The obstacles generate great uncertainty, causing price increases and affecting the quality of motor transport, stated COFECE.

Meanwhile Adrián de la Garza, Monterrey’s Mayor-elect, responded that the recommendations issued by COECE on the modifications to the approved traffic regulations will be considered in full.

Full Content: Milenio & El Financiero

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