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Colombia: Actions affecting competition should consult SIC, or lose validity: Legal Defense Agency

 |  August 6, 2019
The Legal Defense Agency of the State of Colombia has determined that administrative decisions that affect free competition should be consulted with the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce before being issued, otherwise such resolutions could lose their validity.

Camilo Gómez Alzate, director of the ADJ, along with the Superintendent of Industry and Commerce, Andrés Barreto, reminded the State entities that all administrative acts that “may have an impact on free competition in the markets” must previously go through the SIC, thus strengthening the competition regulator.

Barreto and Gómez also reminded the other entities that “not complying with this requirement means anullment of the administrative act for irregular issuance and violation of the rules on which it should be based.”

Full Content: Asuntos Legales

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