A PYMNTS Company

Chile: FNE looking into Maersk – Hamburg Süd deal

 |  August 7, 2017

Chile’s National Economic Prosecutor’s Office (FNE) has announced it will begin a merger investigation concerning the acquisition of Hamburg Süd by Maersk Line. The investigation announced by the FNE aims to determine whether this deal will impede free competition in the sector.

The agreement to carry out the takeover took place on April 28, after approval by the boards of directors of Maersk Line and the Oetker Group, which added that the final ratification is still subject to regulatory approvals.

The agreement says that Maersk Line will acquire Hamburg Süd in the amount of 3.7 billion euros (more than US$4.035 million) in cash.

In recent months, the Colombian newspaper EL TIEMPO has counted about thirty legal incorporations of companies that absorb subsidiaries or matrices domiciled in Panama and are now headed by Colombian companies.

Full Content: Mundo Maritimo

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