HomeAntitrust Chronicle® 2014Summer 2014, Volume 7 Number 1

Summer 2014, Volume 7 Number 1

Antitrust Chronicle - Latin America - Antitrust July 2014 I

Antitrust Chronicle® – Latin America - Antitrust

With all eyes on the Americas for the World Cup (many congratulations to Brazil for such a successful job hosting), it is a good time to take a quick survey of the latest antitrust happenings in Latin America. We start with a strong indication of just how seriously the region is taking the subject, surveying the extent of cooperation among the agencies, followed by a look at the challenges of dealing with a “sluggish” judiciary in many of the countries of the region. We continue with three interesting country case studies: two perspectives on Mexico’s just-enacted major — and controversial — changes to their competition regime, lessons learned after ten years of a restructured Chilean regime, and a look at how Brazil’s two-year-old New Law is maturing.

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