HomeAntitrust Chronicle® 2014Summer 2014, Volume 6 Number 1

Summer 2014, Volume 6 Number 1

Antitrust Chronicle - Due Process and Antitrust June 2014 I

Antitrust Chronicle® – Dues Process & Antitrust

There is broad consensus on the need for, and growing importance of, transparency and procedural fairness in competition enforcement. Our guest editor, Paul Lugard, has organized a special issue that highlights a number of recent developments on this matter. The contributing authors address various topics, such as: how while discussing procedural rights, one has to be mindful of the cultural differences across competition agencies, the need for global best practices on procedural matters, European position on the matter in the light of the Menarini and Schindler rulings, and the need for reforms, whether it makes sense to extend ECHR’s ‘human right protections’ to corporate entities as well? What are the due protection provisions under the Chinese competition regime? How does the Japanese experience in relation to administrative hearings contrast with the American and the European experience? What makes an authority an independent and unbiased decision maker?

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