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Moderated by Aditya Bhattacharjea

Are value-based notification thresholds needed to protect against “killer acquisitions”?

CPI Talks Geoffrey Manne expert hls-2019

Harvard Law School
CPI Talks William Kovacic expert HLS2019

Harvard Law School

Do you think that an alteration of merger thresholds could be advisable to tackle the issue of “killer-acquisitions”?


Is there a need for a reform on mergers and if so, why?

Harvard Law School

Killer-acquisitions: Is there a risk of intervening in the innovation process if new standards are adopted?

Killer-acquisitions CPI Talks Aleksandra Boutin Antitrust Expert



What concrete changes US Agencies and policymakers should prioritize?

Harvard Law School

What substantive issues require fixing in the US merger control?

Harvard Law School

Why do big tech companies buy start-ups?

david evans expert hls-2018

Harvard Law School
james bessen expert hls-2018 - Why do big tech companies buy start-ups?

Harvard Law School

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