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Digital Markets

Moderated by Allan Fels AO

Are enforcers equipped to analyze competition in digital markets?

catherine tucker expert hls-2019

Harvard Law School
hal varian expert hls-2019

Harvard Law School

Are there cases where it is advisable to impose structural remedies or break up large tech companies?

CPI Talks Edward Black

Harvard Law School

Are value-based notification thresholds needed to protect against “killer acquisitions”?

CPI Talks Geoffrey Manne expert hls-2019

Harvard Law School
CPI Talks William Kovacic expert HLS2019

Harvard Law School

Are we in a period of stagnant innovation?

catherine tucker expert hls-2019

Harvard Law School
hal varian expert hls-2019

Harvard Law School

Case-by-case vs. regulation for better competition enforcement. How to balance concerns raised by their application?

CPI Talks Assimakis Komninos antitrust expert


Could the proposals to change the burden of proof standards for dominant platform cases ever be put into practice?

Could the proposals to change the burden of proof standards for dominant platform cases ever be put into practice?


Digital markets and antitrust enforcement: what are the priorities?



Do ongoing consultations properly consider the boundaries between competition, privacy and data?

Do ongoing consultations properly consider the boundaries between competition, privacy and data? Daniel Sokol

Harvard Law School
philip marsden expert hls2019

Harvard Law School
CPI Talks Reiko Aoki expert Harvard Law School 2019

Harvard Law School

Do you foresee more antitrust enforcement in the tech sector in years to come?

CPI Talks Edward Black

Harvard Law School
CPI Talks Daniel Sokol CPI Talks expert hls-2019

Harvard Law School

Do you think that an alteration of merger thresholds could be advisable to tackle the issue of “killer-acquisitions”?


How does “big data” differ from other assets that a company holds?



How does competition via the Internet affects SMEs?

michael mandel expert hls-2018

Harvard Law School
eliana garces expert hls-2018

Harvard Law School

Is it only a matter of time before distinguishing online and offline advertising as anachronistic?

CPI Talks Christopher Yoo expert HLS2019

Harvard Law School

Is the digital economy growing the EU and the US closer or apart?

jon leibowitz expert hls-2018 - Are the US and EU using competition policy as a protectionist measure?

Harvard Law School
marianela lópez-galdos expert Harvard Law School 2018 - s the digital economy growing the EU and the US closer or apart?

Harvard Law School

Harvard Law School
bill baer expert hls-2018

Harvard Law School

Is there a risk of over-extending the competition law toolkit beyond the scope it was designed to address when tackling with antitrust cases against large tech companies?

CPI Talks William Kovacic Antitrust Expert Brussels


Is there convergence in online advertising markets?

CPI Talks Christopher Yoo expert HLS2019

Harvard Law School

Is there merit in the recent reports’ proposals to adapt antitrust rules to digital markets?

CPI Talks Daniel Sokol CPI Talks expert hls-2019

Harvard Law School
philip marsden expert hls2019

Harvard Law School
CPI Talks Geoffrey Manne expert hls-2019

Harvard Law School

Is there sufficient focus on consequences for “old” media?

CPI Talks Christopher Yoo expert HLS2019

Harvard Law School

What are the key takeaways from the recent reports on competition law & digital markets?


What do you think are some steps towards a path forward for dynamic competition in dynamic markets?

Beth Webster expert

Caron Beaton-Wells screenshot





What are the differences in EU and US enforcement in digital markets?

CPI Talks Edward Black

Harvard Law School

What do you think should be the balance between regulation and competition enforcement in digital markets?



What should be the role of NCAs to ensure competition without blunting innovation?

CPI Talks Edward Black

Harvard Law School

What’s the role and relevance of competition policy in digital/dynamic markets and what’s the interplay between competition policy and regulation?


Why are many big tech companies and “unicorns” founded in the US or China?

CPI Talks James Bessen Expert Harvard Law School 2018

Harvard Law School

Why do big tech companies buy start-ups?

david evans expert hls-2018

Harvard Law School
james bessen expert hls-2018 - Why do big tech companies buy start-ups?

Harvard Law School

Why the antitrust authorities are looking into business practices of tech companies?

Harvard Law School

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