HomeAntitrust Chronicle® 2014Autumn 2014, Volume 12, Number 1

Autumn 2014, Volume 12, Number 1

Antitrust Chronicle - High Tech Mergers Handle With Care - December 2014 I

Antitrust Chronicle® – High Tech Mergers Handle With Care

The subject of merger remedies dramatically demonstrates the increasing complexity of antitrust regulation. In this CPI issue, organized by Danny Sokol, we look at problems with conditions imposed on proposed mergers, including (i) dealing with ever-changing high-tech markets and the need for the regulators to adopt a more nuanced approach to merger remedies in such markets, (ii) conflicts across multiple regimes when it comes to assessment of tech mergers and the need to have a harmonized approach, (iii) competition laws that deal with more than maintaining competitive markets, (iv) asking whether authorities or companies should design solutions, and (v) treatment of minority ownership. Plus, we have two “Of Special Interest” articles — defining relevant markets, and the new Greek method of identifying collusion in the tendering process. Happy holidays, everyone!

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