HomeAntitrust Chronicle® 2016Winter 2016, Volume 4, Number 3

Winter 2016, Volume 4, Number 3

Antitrust Chronicle December 2016. Holiday Reading Edition.

Holiday Reading Edition

Before you all enjoy a well-deserved winter break, this month’s Antitrust Chronicle® brings you a seasonal present throughout our selection of Holiday Readings. This compilation of articles from academics, practitioners and even a newly appointed head of antitrust transition team under President-Elect Trump will make your cold (or hot) days of December more pleasant.

In this Issue

In Case You Missed It

November 2016

Antitrust Chronicle November 2016. Telecommunications

October 2016

Antitrust Chronicle October 2016. Antitrust Developments in Asia-Pacific.

September 2016

Antitrust Chronicle September 2016. Patents and Standards Settings.

Chronicles by Year

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