HomeAntitrust Chronicle® 2015Summer 2015, Volume 7, Number 2

Summer 2015, Volume 7, Number 2

Antitrust-Chronicle - Antitrust Antipasto July 2015 II

Antitrust Chronicle® – Antitrust Antipasto

We’re serving up our summer beach reading equivalent — an antitrust antipasto featuring eight disparate articles. Some bring us up to date on topics we delved into earlier, some respond to previous articles, some highlight topical subjects, and some visit intriguing parts of the world to see what’s new. Illustratively, we look at how Competition Commission India imposes and determines penalties, how the Chinese NDRC has dealt with the issue of SEP licensing relating to telecom technology, the rise of national and regional competition authorities in Africa, the scope of Section 5 enforcements under the auspices of the USFTC, perspectives on regulating online advertising platforms, the merger control regime in Ecuador, the merits of the “smallest saleable patent-practicing unit” based licensing model.

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