HomeAntitrust Chronicle® 2014Spring 2014, Volume 4 Number 1

Spring 2014, Volume 4 Number 1

Antitrust Chronicle - Antitrust and Media April 2014 I

Antitrust Chronicle® – Antitrust & Media

In this CPI Issue, we are looking at two volatile media questions—the hotly debated Comcast/Time Warner merger in the U.S. and media plurality in the U.K. Understanding the Comcast merger requires an appreciation that the diverse services the company provides — pay television, broadband, and content — that create horizontal & vertical merger issues plus a variety of possible remedies. Our authors present diverse perspectives on the issue – whether there are any real competition concerns arising from the Comcast merger at all? What may be the implications of the merger when the companies post-merger as buyers of content for cable and as controllers of the increasingly crowded bridge to customers-broadband? What may be effect of the merger on OTTs.

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