HomeAntitrust Chronicle® 2015Autumn 2015, Volume 9, Number 2

Autumn 2015, Volume 9, Number 2

Antitrust Chronicle - HONG KONG – COMPETITION VIEWS September 2015 II

Antitrust Chronicle® – Hong Kong Competition Views

After years of political debate, the Hong Kong Competition Ordinance will finally come into force on December 14, 2015. The new law merits attention not only because of Hong Kong’s economic position and possible influence on—or by—China, but because the debate highlighted many of the challenges Asian markets face in introducing competition law, including the historic existence of cartels, the role of trade associations, insecurity by SMEs, sector exclusions, and others. This collection of papers, managed by guest editor Adrian Emch, analyzes how these issues were dealt with and how they might play out in the future. As always, thank you to our great panel of authors. 

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