HomeAntitrust Chronicle® 2015Autumn 2015, Volume 10, Number 2

Autumn 2015, Volume 10, Number 2

Antitrust Chronicle - Huawei v. ZTE – A Deep Dive October 2015 II

Antitrust Chronicle® – Huawei v. ZTE A Deep Dive

Having dealt extensively with the issue of FRAND across different jurisdictions in our March issue, and the first issue of October this year, in this CPI Issue we offer a deep dive into the ECJ’s decision in Huawei v. ZTE, which attempts to establish an EU framework for SEP licensing negotiations — a decision made even more noteworthy as the two players involved are both Chinese tech giants. Our authors address whether the decision has cleared the waters — or made them even murkier. In doing so they as some relevant questions such as – what is the remedy available to SEP owner against an SEP infringer under the EU law, how does the Huawei decision address patent hold up situations, what will be the implications of the decision on the national courts and the patent regime.

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