HomeAntitrust Chronicle® 2014Spring 2014, Volume 5 Number 1

Spring 2014, Volume 5 Number 1

Antitrust Chronicle - FTC @ 100 May 2014 I

Antitrust Chronicle® – FTC @ 100

Since the FTC is such a major part of the antitrust and consumer landscape, we couldn’t let their 100th birthday pass without a suitable acknowledgment — Happy Birthday! And we aren’t the only ones to have noticed—this February the House Energy and Commerce Committee, Subcommittee on Commerce, Manufacturing, and Trade held a Hearing entitled “The FTC at 100: Views From the Academic Experts.” The presentations included an intriguing range of views on both what the FTC has accomplished in the past and should be accomplishing in the future. So, for this commemorative issue we asked the participants to share their views on issues ranging from how FTC may deal with challenges posed by tech companies, role of consumer welfare standard, what is the sphere of powers of FTC, how FTC has fared so far and what can be done better.

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