Network Effects: March To The Evidence, Not To The Slogans
Though network effects are important for multisided platforms, the simple winner-take-all notion that they always give larger platforms an insurmountable
Though network effects are important for multisided platforms, the simple winner-take-all notion that they always give larger platforms an insurmountable
Posted by Social Science Research Network Why the Dynamics of Competition for Online Platforms Leads to Sleepless Nights But Not
This year, as could not be otherwise, our Journal addresses the phenomenon of disruptive innovation and how new technological firms
A surge of recent antitrust cases involving Internet-based industries around the world, including in Latin America, present special challenges for
Una nueva ola de casos de competencia conciernen a las industrias que se desarrollan principalmente en Internet. Esta tendencia ha
This issue completes the tenth year of Competition Policy International. During this time the CPI Journal has published 303 articles
Linklaters today announced that senior antitrust lawyer, Douglas Tween, has been elected as a partner in its global Competition/Antitrust practice.
On September 11 2014, the ECJ handed down its verdict on the appeal by Groupement des Cartes Bancaires, against a
David Evans, Jan 30, 2015 Software platforms anchor vast global communities of users, application developers, device manufacturers, content providers, advertisers,
David Evans, Vanessa Yanhua Zhang, Oct 21, 2014 CPI Asia Column edited by Vanessa Zhang (Global Economics Group) presents: Qihoo
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