A PYMNTS Company


In this issue: In the antitrust debate arena, health care topics are the gifts that just keep on giving—always something

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In this issue: Information exchanges between competitors have long challenged global competition authorities. Whether via trade associations or otherwise, such

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In this issue: Last issue we looked at how protectionist sentiments are playing out in Europe; for this issue, we’ve invited

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In this issue: Protectionist sentiments are becoming more significant in merger control considerations, especially in Europe. Can public interest exemptions or other

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In this issue: Obama Care has brought a classic cost-benefit question in health care to the forefront: How to improve

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In this issue: In Motorola Mobility, the Seventh Circuit is readying to rehear a lawsuit that will (hopefully) clarify the

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In this issue: We’re ending the summer with a departure from our usual focus on a single topic, rather presenting

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In this issue: We’re presenting two symposia this issue. A diverse variety of competition authorities and advocates tell us what’s

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In this issue: Revising the Merger Guidelines Malcolm Coate, Joseph Simons, Dec 16, 2009 Critical Loss vs. Diversion Analysis: Clearing

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