Bas Braeken
Bas is a partner at bureau Brandeis. He is a lawyer in the field of (European) competition law and is also a specialist in the field of regulated markets (such as telecoms, media, mail and parcels, healthcare, fintech, energy, and mobility). Bas provides companies and their management with guidance in dealings with the Netherlands Authority for Consumers & Markets (ACM), the Dutch Healthcare Authority, and the European Commission and has represented clients in more than a hundred (both administrative law and civil) cases in the field of competition law and economic regulation. He defends companies in (alleged) cartels and during dawn raids and in abuse of dominance matters and on almost a daily basis advises and litigates on distribution systems, forms of collaboration, and state aid. Bas often acts as counsel’s counsel for specific matters of (European) competition law, for example in the context of takeovers and joint ventures.
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