A PYMNTS Company

Articulating a Modern Approach to FCC Competition Policy

 |  October 24, 2013

Posted by D. Daniel Sokol

Reed E. Hundt, McKinsey & Company Inc. and Gregory L. Rosston, Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research are Articulating a Modern Approach to FCC Competition Policy

ABSTRACT: The FCC has taken three different competition policy approaches: the classic role of regulating terms and conditions of sale, the modern role of using various tools to create largely deregulated, multi-firm, competitive markets, and the laissez-faire approach of believing that unregulated markets, even if monopolized, will produce the best outcome. For the most part, a light-handed modern role has proven successful. The FCC should adopt such an approach going forward with a classic regulatory role as a backstop, and it should articulate clearly its competition policy framework so that firms can understand the rules and compete to provide service to customers in a procompetitive manner.