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Argentina: OECD sends recommendations to CNDC to avoid Cartelization

 |  January 2, 2019

A group of specialists from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) offered a workshop this December addressed to officials at Argentina’s National Commission for the Defense of Competition (CNDC) seeking to promote “Clear rules and transparency in public contracts. ”

“The collaboration between the OECD and the CNDC is part of the drive into the world that Argentina is developing and the process of inclusion of the country in the entity,” said a statement from the Ministry of Production and Labor, of which the CNDC is a dependency.

“The coordination of bidding bids is an illegal practice and can be investigated and sanctioned in accordance with the law and competition rules,” explained the OECD. The workshop, offered to officials linked to bidding processes and acquisitions, was developed by the OECD based on its document “Guidelines to Combat Collusion among Bidders in Public Bids,” available here.

The bad practices in bidding constitute one of the obstacles that the Argentine government still has to face before achieving the admission of the country to the international organization, which groups 36 countries, mostly with high levels of development.

Full Content: Dirigentes Digital

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