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Argentina: Macri hears milk producers’ competition concerns

 |  November 27, 2017

Argentine president Mauricio Macri sat last week at an open table composed of dairy producers, distributors and retailers, where they discussed the problems faced by the dairy sector, listening to various proposals and offering new follow-up meetings.

Dairy sector spokesmen voiced concerns regarding the price gap between what the producer charges, going through the dairy industry, and the final value of products in stores. There is also serious discontent over the ‘black’ economy, which affects formal businesses.

In 2016, the Ministry of Agribusiness had proposed to the National Commission for the Defense of Competition (CNDC) to investigate the dairy industry for behaviors that could be “facilitators for cartelization”, such as the exchange of milk between companies in order to avoid paying more to local producers. The CNDC will have an audit on this issue ready by the end of the month.

Full Content: La Nación

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