Superior Court Delays New California Privacy Regulations

The enforcement of the California regulations, which had been finalized on March 29, 2023, was halted by the Superior Court of California until March 29, 2024.

The recent ruling by the California Superior Court in Sacramento has resulted in the prevention of the California Privacy Protection Agency from enforcing their rules as originally scheduled. This decision came after the California Chamber of Commerce filed a lawsuit, arguing that businesses in the state would not be given enough time to adequately prepare for the enforcement.

According to Judge James P Arguelles, Proposition 24, a voter-approved update, required the agency to establish final regulations by July 1, 2022, with enforcement starting a year later. However, the final rules, which detail how businesses should handle consumer requests and compliance standards, were not issued until March 29, as reported by Bloomberg Law.

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“The very inclusion of these dates indicates the voters intended there to be a gap between the passing of final regulations and enforcement of those regulations,” Arguelles wrote Friday in an order granting the Chamber’s petition.

Arguelles declined a request from the Chamber to postpone the implementation of the Proposition 24 statute.

The agency claimed that it had the authority to start enforcing its rules as of Saturday. However, officials mentioned that there would be a gradual increase in staff as they expanded their team. Additionally, there were signs that businesses were not adequately prepared. According to a recent report by the nonprofit Common Sense Media, almost half of the products or apps used by families do not comply with the state privacy regulations.