CPI Live

Towards a Competition Enabling Framework
in Asia Pacific:

Opportunities & Challenges

December 2020

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Throughout December 2020, CPI hosted a new series of our highly anticipated special law & economics sessions, this time focused on some the most pressing issues in the application and enforcement of competition law in Asia Pacific. Korea, India, Japan & Australia

Towards a Competition Enabling Framework in Asia Pacific: Opportunities & Challenges ran in December 2020, with five separate events that brought together experts from the Asia-Pacific region and elsewhere, where they exchanged views on the broader issues of digital platforms, mobile ecosystems, and online advertising, including areas such as: market competition, data and transparency; the need for international harmonization; and creating choice for market players and consumers, among many other relevant issues.

Click HERE to read the Special Edition of the Antitrust Chronicle.

CPI thanks Google for its support with this program. CPI always strives to deliver balanced and enriching content and conversation to benefit the antitrust community worldwide.

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